Firestarter - fuel plus air
Update on my Lancia Beta 2.0 restoration including fuse box checks and fuel pump replacement
2/3/20252 min read

After a few weeks I managed to make some time to continue work on my Lancia.
If you recall from my last post we had identified an issue with the fusebox and in particular the fuse for the ignition. This seemed to intermittently lose power which was contributing to the loss of ignition.
The first order of the day was to remove the fusebox from the car for checks. I disconnected the 6 wiring connectors and removed the two bolts to free the fusebox. Once free I moved to the bench to test the wiring and check for faults. I removed the back cover to reveal the fusebox internals and checked for loose connectors or damaged wiring but I could not see any visible damage. I then checked the ignition fuse for continuity using a multi-meter and again it provided a solid beep when tested. I came to the conclusion that it was not the fusebox and more likely an issue in the wiring. I cleaned all contacts on fusebox and wiring block connectors with contact cleaner and reinstated it.

The next order of the day was to make some progress on the fuel issues. The car was starting for a few seconds with Easystart but I wanted to get the fuel supply working again.
I checked my fuel filter to make sure it was installed correctly and all was well.
The next job was to replace the fuel pump and this was an easy job as it was two pipes to disconnect and two bolts to remove the fuel pump.
The first job was to remove the air filter housing to provide access to the fuel pump. The housing was secured by two nuts and 2 bolts. There were also three pipes to disconnect from the housing before I could lift it away.

Following removal of the air cleaner I then proceeded to disconnect the two hoses supplying the fuel pump and removed the two bolts to release the pump. Refitting was the reverse with gaskets being replaced.

With all of the pipes supplying the petrol reinstated i then added fresh fuel. Looking at the old pump the range of movement was much less than the new pump and it was a lot stiffer.

I then tried to get fuel to the carb from the tank by repeatedly turning the engine over. After a lot of effort with a generous dollop of Easystart I could see a little fuel in the transparent fuel filter. The car would not run under its own steam as the petrol had not reached the carb yet. I did pour a little petrol into the carb and Lancee ran for a few seconds. I gave up at this point as the fuel should have come through by know especially with the new few pump.
I think the next job will be to check for blockages in the fuel supply lines. Thanks as always to the owners from the BetaBoyz forum for all of their advice.
While the car did not run as I would have liked she was running on easy start. I had never been so happy to see a few pop and bangs after seven months of work to get to this stage.
We continue moving closer to get her running and we are getting close. I can feel it !
Till next time...